

Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 5 PM
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Meet The Member: Prakasa Yoga & Wellness Studio

Lynne Headshot-2

Name of your business:
Prakasa Yoga & Wellness Studio
Younger As You Age Holistic Health Coaching

Your name and position:

What inspired you to start your business? How did your business get started?
My love of yoga and healthy living and the desire to follow my heart and intuition, and to do things my own way, led me to design build Prakasa Yoga & Wellness Studio. We are located in Goshen, because both my husband and I love nature and know the healing powers it provides humanity…and because it’s easy to get to the valley and back.

Tell us a little bit about your business:
Prakasa Yoga & Wellness Studio offers public classes in yoga, fitness and qigong to the local community. We offer Therapeutic Yoga, cranial sacral, and energy healing packages to anyone who wants to get and stay out of physical pain. We offer Holistic Health Coaching private packages and group is more fun to do within a community of like-minded individuals. I specialize in helping women who are unhappy with the way they are aging. I guide them to reclaim radiant health and vitality, so they can look and feel younger AS they age.

What is your favorite thing to do in your business?
Of all the hats I wear as a solo-preneur, serving my clients is my most favorite part because I get to witness their transformation and watch them grow healthier and happier.

If nothing else, what is the one piece of information you want someone to know about your business?                                                                                 I have over 30 years experience in the field of yoga and holistic health. For all those years, I’ve lived and practiced what I encourage my students/clients to enact in their own lives. I walk my talk, and people do know that about me. They also know that what I teach

What is the one piece of business advice you would like to share?
Follow your heart and pursue your dreams knowing that when you are true to yourself, the universe will find a way to back you up and help you manifest all that you envision.