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Meet The Member: TechCavalry and Innovative Business Systems

Name of your business(es). TechCavalry and Innovative Business Systems

Your name and position. Dave DelVecchio, President

What inspired you to start your business? How did your business get started? Innovative Business Systems has been providing computer services in our region since 1987. Effective August 1, 2012, IBS acquired TechCavalry and integrated their business operations into our Easthampton headquarter. TechCavalry is our business unit that is designed to provide fast, reliable, and on-demand computer services to small businesses.

Tell us a little bit about your business. In total, IBS serves three distinct types of businesses. First, IBS provides agreement-based outsourced IT services for businesses that require a strategic engagement. Second, IBS provides turn-key project installations for mid-size businesses that require specialized domain expertise. Lastly, TechCavalry serves small businesses that desire IT services on a transactional basis.

What is your favorite thing to do in your business? Each of our engagement types allow us to deliver technology as a business accelerator. As a result, we enable our many clients to focus on doing what they do so well – run their business. As a result, we take a lot of pride in our role supporting our regional economy.

If nothing else, what is the one piece of information you want someone to know about your business? Innovative Business Systems and TechCavalry provide information technology solutions designed to meet the stated business objectives of our customers through a process-oriented, consultative approach. We’re not about the technology – we’re about leveraging technology as a business accelerator. Smarter Technology | Better Business.

What is the one piece of business advice you would like to share? Given the nature of our work, we have extensive experience in project management. A common project management saying is that with unlimited time, money, and resources, anything is possible. However, with inadequate time, money, or resources, any project is bound to struggle, if not fail. Focus on the desired outcome, and provide the appropriate time, money, and resources to reach that outcome, and the likelihood of success increases dramatically!