

Mon – Fri: 9 AM – 5 PM
Visitor Center is open.

Meet The Member: The Friends of Forbes Library

FOFL LOGOName of your business.
The Friends of Forbes Library

Your name and position.
Martha McCormick, President of the Board of Directors

What inspired you to start your business? How did your business get started?
The Board was started 35 years ago by concerned community members, who realized our beautiful city library was in real need of financial support. The building is maintained by the city in accordance with Judge Forbes’s will, but the day to day operating budget is insufficient to maintain the library this community is so proud of. I have been on the board for 8 years, president for 4.

Tell us a little bit about your business.
We currently have 10 members on the Board.
Every penny we raise through our Membership Drive and Special Events (including a fall Wine Tasting and spring Garden Tour) goes to Forbes to help buy books and media, provide museum passes, support programs for children, teens and adults, buy and upgrade technology as well as helping to maintain the building, itself.

What is your favorite thing to do in your business?
Our board is trilled to be able to provide funds when our amazing Library Director and Assistant Director come to us with requests for items they would otherwise have to do with out.

If nothing else, what is the one piece of information you want someone to know about your business?
As a non-profit, we count on volunteers to keep our group going. We are always on the look out for people who might be willing to join our board or help us in other ways.